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Development of the camping potentials in Arizona by UPS, FedEx and USPS.

  • creating the possibilities for constructing new camps;
  • revitalising existing campsites;
  • initiating the development of the local communities through the cooperation of
  • the local governments, entrepreneurship and NGOs


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniauis nostrud ercitation ullamco

creating the possibilities for constructing

new camps;

revitalising existing campsites;

initiating the development of the local through the

initiating the development of the local through the


Fresh Holdiday experience- Famping Nature exoerience- Camping LIFSTYLE Nature As Nature Friends

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor


  • Compiling the data about all available camping accommodation providers in America
  • Creating a database of the camping accomodation for online booking purposes;
  • Introducing, developing and implementing camping and environmental standards for existing campsites and for building new ones;
  • Development of the camping sites as one kind of village tourism, transit tourism;
  • Development of the camps as the educational centres for youth and children (alternative education);
  • Development of transit auto-camps (the camps close to the important highways);
  • Development of the camps in rural areas (bungalow camps for families, true nature lovers and environmentalists);
  • Professional help and expertise for interested enterpreneurs who want to build a camping site (help on fund raising, getting financial credits, business and strategic plans, project documentation etc.);
  • Introducing the camping sites in Africa to the international electronic (online) reservation systems;
  • Representing and promoting world-wide camping brands in Serbia); Creating the national camping brand – CAS.


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